Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Castle
Face The Wall

The horn is blown!  The alarm is spread.  “Close the gates!” is shouted from the lookout.  “They are coming!” is cried out.  The Kingdom stops.  Everyone froze in anticipation of the danger approaching.  The gates are pulls shut, the drawbridge withdrawn.  Maids and cooks, butlers and stable hands retreat into the safety of the castle cellars. All in wait for the danger to pass.  The knights mount their steeds.  Soldiers armed and ready stand at attention, all waiting for the imminent attach.

Across the field, one would expect an army of tyrants, ready to seize.  But instead of soldiers and weapons, all that approaches is on single person.  Someone with cloths, warn and outdated.  Hair is askew and teeth may be crooked.  Voice a little boisterous or smile a bit timid.  No sword to slash or arrow to pierce, only one longing spirit continuing to search.  But even though the threat seems so small, so silly to some, to those within the walls this one is to be feared.

We walk into church every Sunday.  Welcome faces give greeting, friends say hello.  The worship team plays, the pastor gives teaching.  The offering plate passed, prayers are shared.  We fellowship and talk over coffee and cake.  Then slowly, as if on cue, people start leaving, each to their homes.  Some go for dinner, other to nap but everyone leaves to resume the lives that they live.  Did anyone notice, or did they not want to see, the couple in back, standing alone.  He stands tall but his eyes reflect loss.  She huddles close, cradling her child.  Someone says hi, another how are you?  But no one really stops to ask them their names or waits to hear the state of their story.  Each keep going on their merry way, no one to notice the souls lost in their midst. 

I know it is hard to step out of your comfort zone and speak to another.  This coming from someone who is a professional wall flower.  But occasionally the opportunity arises, that God gives me chance to speak to another.  Another wondering soul searching for answers.  I know how they feel and relate to their fears.  I get a chance to bring encouragement and words of true hope.  I also know what it is like to be the outsider, continuing to peer in but not feeling a part.  I have always fells bless but those special souls that have stepped outside their own lives and made me feel I belong. 

Some who walks through your door may be less than expected, some have baggage they carry, others swords at the ready.  Some have history of pain, others live among storms.  But each one has one thing in common, that small invisible place, God built in every one.  They search for the answer to the one real question that every life faces at one point or another.  Does anyone love me?  

Those who have Christ living out through them, have a treasure so dear, that it must be shared.  No matter the person or the history they bear, they deserve this treasure as much as you do, to be theirs.  Don’t be afraid, don’t be the judge, your mission is simple.  Open your mind and clear out your heart.  Let the treasure of Christ poor out onto all that come near.   

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.  Romans 1:16 (NKJV)

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