Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Celebrate Our Elders

Happy 70th Birthday

Everyone crowds in the room, quiet as a mouse.  Someone whispers a joke.  Someone snickers in response.  Another person holds a finger up, commanding all to shush. Someone quickly enters the room, wildly waving.  “Their coming!”  The next several moments pass as if hours.  Finally the door opens, steps slowly move across the floor.  Voices are heard off in the distance.  The face everyone is awaiting finally turns the corner. “SURPRISE!” the room erupts in a roar.  People laugh and cheer.  “Happy Birthday” is yelled.  A woman of many years stands in awe of the scene before her.  Smiling faces and welcoming hugs.  A cake is lit and presents are passed.  Food is shared and stories are told.  For a day in time a life is remembered.  

A 70th birthday.  An event to truly celebrated.  For those of us at the lower end of life’s ladder, an age of this caliber is hard to imagine.  When thinking of my own Mom turning this rightful round age, I can’t help but think about how far her life has come.  She was the amazing source of my coming into this world.  She raised me from a helpless infant to a woman who can now stand on my own.  She prayed with me before bed and told me stories of old bible heroes.  She was strict with her rules and strong with her punishments.  She gave me the world with what pennies she had.  She always was there when pain held me down.      

Is there someone in your life, a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a pastor or a friend?  Someone who has been there with you through the toughest of times and the brightest of times.  You had moments where you cried together and other times to laugh together.  They corrected you when you went astray and praised you when you achieved.  They were not always perfect though.  At times they made mistakes.  Their humanness showed through.  They were not superman but they never gave up.  They were the person you searched for the answer.  The person who would push you to keep going.

In our lives, God blesses us with people to guide and help hold us up.  It may not be your parents.  They may have not been around.   They may have been overwhelmed with struggles of their own.  People may have abused you.  Friends may have lied to you but God always saw you.  When you needed a hand God would always provide.  He brought people into your life when you needed them most.  They were not perfect but their wisdom of years they would always supply. 

As you live your life, never take those who raised you up for granted.  They are the elders who made you who you are.  Celebrate them and thank them for all they have done.  Make sure they know they are a blessing God granted just for you.     

You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord.  Leviticus 19:32

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